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I just happened to come across this game when I was looking for games made in twine. I meant to just put this in my "to-play" list and play it... at some point. I happened to click it and play through the game. It made me stop and think for a long while. I like that. It's such a simple game, but it hits pretty hard.


Games like these makes me realize that even tho suicide sounds like a beautiful thing, like some piece of art, idk how to explain it. This game made me finally release the tears i've been holding, i'm moving out soon and it hurts to leave all my friends like that, ive been thinking over and over again if i should just end it before i can leave, but thatd be stupid cuz i would still have left in a way... love the story in the game

I'm not a very sentimental person, but this was impactful. At first, I even took it as a joke, but I don't know, when I started to think that this actually happens in real life, I couldn't even see what the suicide was like (I made the ending ''good'')

Maybe it sounds a bit exaggerated but... this game did make me cry a little, especially after reading the comments and to think that these kinds of things do happen.... What I can say is... don't focus on the bad, there will be days when they are bad. But let's think about the good memories,think about the things you like, what you can achieve in the future and more. I know there are people who won't be having a good time, but there will always be a solution to the problems and it won't necessarily be suicide... <3


I felt kind of depressed and decided to go with such a game... I was left crying and asking myself why would she do it when people loves her, when she knows that they will be hurt, when she knows she is useful, when she knows she is valuable. I'm really young, a middle schooler, and even younger when I had to face parental loss but at the moment I just didn't care. It's all coming out now and the way she just went made me angry. Angry at the fact that my people died when I cared about them. My siblings did and friends as well. It wasn't purposely but I am just so, so angry and so, so confused and hopeless. My only reason of existing is my mentally unstable sister and my aunt (mother's sister.). There is also this old lady that takes care of me but she is 70 years old. I don't know how will I cope with her death. After her, if I lose those two I lost it all. I have have many plans with my bestfriend but they will have to be canceled. Anyways its 5am and the severe depression kicked in. I am so sorry for all this vent but if anyone out there actually read this and listened to my problems then... Just thank you.


ya I get that same thing but then I think to myself and think of like u never know when they have to go it can be today it could me tomorrow it could be in 20 mins u never know my aunt past away like 2 years ago and when I heard the news I just started getting depress and once I stand up and I think to myself u cant never be always depress sometimes we just have to deal with it our pets our loved once and more. and all people who want to end yourself there's so many reasons not to end yourself. ur parents will think they have failed u. ur siblings will miss ur voice. ur pets will be waiting for u to come home. ur best friend will be missing there other half. ur mom will remember they way u smiled and the way u eat her food. u will never listen to ur fav song ever again. u will never get ur dream. u will never know if u met the one. there's always a way to solve ur problems... and most of all I'm so proud of u that u are Abel to be here today..... and if u reed all of this then I just got to say....thank u some much


Thank you for replying to my comment. What I was referring to was the death of my last relatives. I might have plans but their death will be really burdening and unacceptable to me. Now that it's noon and I'm not in that depressed phase I can see that even after their death, life could be hard but I'd stand. Maybe I'd be vulnerable and think a lot about suicide but then again, I'd probably find ways to cope with depression. Mental hospitals are a good option as well. Anyways, thank you for your time.

i too would like to say goodbye to my friends, I'm not too sure how tho


Ngl, its relatable in a way. My best friend almost slit her throat open in front of me. Shes in the hospital right now. Its probably my fault. She told me it was my fault. ........i should make up for it. Right? 

.......i think i have a rope somewhere around here.


OMG thats not smth anyone should go through our friend is not a good friend and is also not mentally ok you shouldnt put yourself around that enviroment bc its only bringing you down!!!


Games like this leave a lump in your throat. Thank goodness they exist, otherwise I would have the same fate as the game shows.


I hope everyone here is doing okay these days. Please be safe and know that people care about you, even if it may not feel like it at times. If you are feeling troubled, maybe professional help is the answer, or talking to a trusted friend about what you are going through. Wish you all the best.

Deleted 115 days ago

Please don't, there are people who would be sad if you did. Don't hurt yourself,please.


I'm begging you. Please don't do it. There'll always be bad times but there's good stuff too!!

I hope you find something you'll love so much that it prevents you from wanting to die.

Please take care.


Please don't, I know it seems hard; I'm in that place myself, but trust me people do care, people do love you. Yes there may be those who hate you and don't want you to still breath but they are one of the reasons you have to keep breathing and being alive! Also there will be people who will be sad beyond your belief at you leaving. I hope this reaches you and at least now you know that so many people love you so so so much.


Please don't I know life can be hard, but know we all love you... please I begg you to listen..

(2 edits) (+2)

I can't imagine what you're going through, but please talk to someone, whether it be a friend or professional help. You can also call 988, which is a suicide prevention hotline, if you need to. People care about you, even if it may not feel like it at times. Please be safe.

I hope I'm not late but there is this little saying that goes: "suicide is a permanent solution to temporary problems." And problems will occur like on everyone, you will go through tortures but in the end, what you live for, are the 3 hours you spent laughing your lungs out with your best friend on that night you decided to paint your nails while trying to do face paint to each other and had SpongeBob playing on a phone with one of those cheap screens to make the image bigger. You don't live for those 3 hours you cried your eyes out. I am not going to beg you to continue living but i know that somewhere inside you, you have that meaning. Even if you don't, do it for the ones you love. Have experiences, live your life. Don't just breathe. After this, if you still want to go, then do something exciting. Get on a motorcycle and go on a mountain. Do all the crazy shit you can imagine and if you did, you've achieved your goal. If not, there's a new goal waiting for you. Good luck on your own adventure.


Loved the concept


Dude, the last line when I clicked no to 'do you want to play again?' Sent so many shivers down my spine


i remember when i first played this game i wanted to write a comment about how much it affected and helped me, but i didnt have an account. now that i do though, i just cant seem to find the right words. so instead i just want to say thank you, this game really helped me not say goodbye, and it gave me the hope to persevere.


I really relate to this game. this is really an accurate depiction of how i feel and its really well made


For every Anak out there: don't say goodbye. I love you.


When I first played this game, I was in a bad state and thinking about suicide. For some reason, after I got the "bad ending" the game glitched. It wouldn't let me leave fullscreen or go back and that just broke me in a way, because you can't go back. It made me reflect on how I won't ever have a chance to say goodbye to everyone. 

If you're struggling with depression, it gets better. There's people out there who love you, and you're never a burden.

Thank you for didn't say goodbye


i sobbed playing this, its so utterly heartbreaking.


This game is so sad. It reminds me of when I had to leave everyone that I knew I weren't going to meet again.


Its not that often a game can make me cry. This is one of those times.


So short yet it delivered the same feeling of the moment you've decided to do 'that' with the background music sounding so calm and peaceful like you just woke up to a new day that you know will be good or something after knowing that finally it would finally end, I could tell since I also experienced that same feeling when I attempted it


most of us have been anak, but some cant say theyve been able to say goodbye

(1 edit) (+5)

As a person who has suicide attempts in their past and has been trying to be my better self, I love this game. It gives me a sense of peace. Knowing I should stay in my life I like to sit down at night and play this. I chose the same options. Clean my room, shower, say I'm fine to mom and then call my sister. It makes me feel calm and peaceful. I always smile at the end, it just feels peaceful.

So thank you for making this game. And yes, I'm alright.


as someone who survived a suicide attempt, and has been through of lot, this game is quite calming for me, it reminds me that no matter what i do i never want to experience the same pain, i sometime feel guilt of what i did, i never wanted my mom to cry so much. i lost a few friends to suicide, and it also reminds me, that i will be able to continue all my best friend's legacy

to anyone who thinks of ever trying to commit suicide, Please dont, its painful, it's tragic for lots. and i bet theres some ppl who care about you, i care about you, even tho i'm an internet stranger, i care about you, i'm proud of you, i'm glad that you woke up. 

Please just know i care and love you, suicide won't solve those annoying problems, you will fight them and solve them, maybe and hopefully time will also help, Yeah therapy may cost you a buck, but there's other stuff you can do, i know i sound dumb saying this, but there's those wholesem discord severs (forgot what theyre called)

your perfect, your alive, your funny, your cool, your kind, your the best.

also, i, as someone who coped by self harm, i would say dont do it, its painful, and also your skin is beautiful and rare, you're rare, cause who knows if we're the only living thing in this universe, if you have self harmed, don't be shy showing those scars to someone who cares and matters to you. i know it may not be easy but after all, your stronger, better, cooler, kinder, and the best, also funny thing i heard and made a kind joke of is the fact our white blood cells are constantly fighting cancer cells and bacteria, they care about you and love you.

and no matter where your from, or what you like and dislike, what gender or personality, queer or straight, you matter.

i love you, i care about you, just remind yourself how lucky you are to be alive, you matter.

written by a internet stranger :D 

(1 edit)

Pretty nice game. Love it. Wanna try that shit out. Thats literally me.


I've re-visited this game after a year of depression. I actually made it out and survived. There IS hope. Please, live <3
"You decided not to say goodbye today." And I will never will. Thanks for the game.

Unsainted - Slipknot:
"Oh, I'll never kill myself to save my soul
I was gone, but how was I to know?
I didn't come this far to sink so low
I'm finally holding on to letting go"


I cried at this, because lately and in the past I have considered and nearly attempted such a thing.


this made me cry. nothing else on this platform has made me cry. good job, i mean it


short but sad. loved it


I always come back to this game every one in awhile for no other reason but it makes me cry




(1 edit) (+5)(-1)

i like your game i'd enjoy it so much thanks for creating it..also im a filipino like you..

(1 edit) (+10)

I was in this situation 1 1/2 years ago... with exact the same sequence as seen in this story. I decided not to say goodbye that day. And hopfully never again. Thank you for making this game.


I'm too dehydrated to cry


Please stop venting, it makes you guys look like attention seekers.

I'm not trying to offend anyone.


your serious if your in that situation would you tell yourself that your an attention seeker?

(2 edits) (-11)



haha lol

(2 edits) (-11)

I'm sorry, but its true. Don't just vent comment here, seek actual help. Also, not everyone here is saying true things. Not everyone here is truthful, some could be lying just for attention. That's why I commented that. Don't hate me for saying the truth.


That's bullsh*t. Just because I attempted suicide doesn't make me a f*cking attention seeker.

(2 edits) (-6)

Excuse me, but did i specify anyone? No, I didn't

Sorry for the very late reply, but just because you don't specify people doesn't make it better. You don't have to specify anyone, but you just called people who are going through something attention seekers. And I get that you think that some might be lying but guess what? If you make a mistake and call someone who is walking on a tightrope just to make it to the next day without breaking down, if you call them an attention seeker, you might just cause someone to end it. You have no idea what people are going through. If someone is venting, don't ever just assume someone is an attention seeker, words hold meaning and it's better to assume they're speaking the truth and let them be than assume they're lying and cause them to break. 


bruh what? no one here is trying to seek attention. ofc there are vent comments under this game, its abt suicide, what do you even expect? this is why im scared to get help. because there are so many people like you who label anyone whos going thru something hard an "attention seeker"


Not everyone here is saying the truth, so you're one to talk.


Bruh, the "Anak" took me by surprise. I didn't know this was Filipino-made(?).

(3 edits) (+3)(-2)

why are people senting suicide or emotional comments in a emotional story



lol when you do the good ending on the first run 

(1 edit)

So did i

Great Story!!!


yo chill damn this shit got me fucked bro i actually teared up a but whta the fuck

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